Reviews about the company "Green World"

Your feedback is very important to us, it helps feel that we are on the right path, and take into account all wishes so that provide the best service

If you have any difficulties during the work process, you can write to the head of the company. We will try our best everything in our power to ensure that you have only positive emotions from working with our team

Average company rating
Total reviews: 23
5 20x
4 3x
3 0x
2 0x
1 0x
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Good evening, I wanted to leave a review about the Green World company. I purchased land for a recreation center and decided to do something interesting, and came across the idea of ​​domed houses. Out of several companies producing canopies, I chose this one for several reasons:
-I liked the technology of fastening and assembly
-the price for the frame was more than acceptable (they also gave a good discount!)
-And of course the approach to the work of the Green World team,
Initially, we approached all questions that arose very carefully and professionally,
At all stages of the transaction they did everything to ensure that you were satisfied!
I would like to especially highlight the work of manager Alexander!
He still calls asking about the stages of construction progress! I am always ready to share my experience and knowledge in the field of dome construction.
I am grateful to the Green World team and in particular to Alexander!
I wish you prosperity and success!
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Site rating
I’m very pleased with the work, I analyzed the entire Internet, the lowest prices for power frames, and the assembly technology is stronger, plus fasteners and processing. The deadlines were delayed a bit, but they warned us about it right away. I ordered 6 arched house kits in Sochi for my future glamping. During assembly
  • instructions
  • prices
  • lock
Dmitry Kondratenko
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I would like to leave a review about the company "Green World"
I was looking for a guest house option for a long time and settled on this company. I came to the production site to see the technology, I really liked the idea and the quality. As a result, I bought the frame of a house of 24 sq.m. for self-assembly, and surprisingly, I assembled it myself, without helpers. A very high-quality frame, there were no difficulties during assembly, the assembly diagrams from the manufacturer are extremely simple and specific!
Separately, I would like to mention the manager Dmitry Yuryevich, he competently approached my request and answered all the not so simple questions))
I am considering ordering a larger main house))
  • Easy assembly
  • Reliable connections of elements
  • Good price
Overall company rating
Site rating
We purchased an A6 frame
We are very pleased with the work of the company! For a long time we chose between the company Dobrosfera and Green World. The choice was made correctly in favor of Green World! A good company from the word VERY! ALL ON TIME, GOOD QUALITY! But the most pleasant impression was left from the employees. Just great guys! I am very grateful to Dmitry Konstantinov and production worker Konstantin (unfortunately I don’t know his last name) everything was clear and without complications! Honestly, I write a very good impression about the company! I am a manufacturer myself and I know how difficult it can sometimes be to work with clients! Well done guys, keep it up! For my part, I will now recommend Green World! Thank you very much! Good luck to you in your business! If only there were more of these
Company response

Thank you for your feedback, we will definitely highlight the work of these colleagues! Happy building, and be sure to share photos of the building process and photos of the finished home!

Maksimov Mikhail
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Site rating
Thank you, it was made quite quickly. delivered in a day to the Tula region. Now our work is to assemble frame A 6. We’ll write more when it’s ready.
Company response

Thank you Mikhail, easy assembly for you and be sure to send photos!

Overall company rating
Site rating
Great company. They did everything as we wanted. We met the price we set to the maximum. Built on time. We have been looking for a company for a long time and in my opinion this is the best company for the construction of round houses in the Krasnodar region. Ecological materials. Igor thought through our project competently and tastefully and included everything we wanted into it to the maximum. The impressions are positive. It is clear that he is a professional and loves his job. For a relatively low price, we got the house of our dreams, warm, cozy, comfortable. I recommend to everyone!
Company response

Oksana, thank you for your high assessment of the work done.

Alexandre Sharonov
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Site rating
I bought a D10H frame. I assembled it myself with helpers. It took the three of us 5 days.
Throughout the entire purchasing process, from choosing a model to the process of assembling the frame, Igor and his team accompanied, advised, and helped with advice. I was left with only a good impression, I recommend it to everyone! Everything will be explained in laymans terms.
  • The quality of the frame, everything is adjusted to size without cracks and gaps. The board is processed, the fittings are of high quality.
  • Customer feedback. The head of production personally advises on assembly issues!
  • Delivery directly to the site, the delay in the delivery of the frame was compensated by packing PU insulation.
  • This is not a drawback, but rather a technical problem. Due to a machine breakdown and high season, the frame arrived 2 weeks late.
Overall company rating
Site rating
I was choosing between “DS” and “green world”, I chose the green world, although there weren’t many reviews, their mount is more reliable, the guys are very responsive, polite, they explain everything, tell me... In general, I ordered the D10 N frame from them. , The wood is excellent, everything is processed, plus all the fasteners. They delivered it exactly when it was needed, straight to the site for free! Everything was done carefully and neatly. The guys are constantly in touch, everything is clear, well-coordinated.... Definitely satisfied, I recommend it. We are building in Crimea, Orlinoe village.
Company response

Katerina, thank you for your trust!

Overall company rating
Site rating
I went to your site, looked at the ideas and technologies.... - yes, you just read my thoughts! This is probably possible.
Company response

We are very pleased that our activities are responded to by you. We will be glad to see you among our customers.

Alexandre Pavlov
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Site rating
Thank you very much for your work in the current difficult situation - the frame was manufactured and delivered. We will start assembling soon. We constantly communicate on various technical issues, everything is prompt and informative.
  • Prices
  • Feedback
  • Construction quality
Company response

Alexander, thank you for your high assessment of our work. Share photos and videos of the frame assembly. We are in touch.