Dome house: construction technologies and layout features

Few people can be surprised with a new residential building now, but this rule does not apply to popular spherical or domed houses, whose designs and prices are so diverse that they cannot leave not a single customer is indifferent. Spherical buildings are unique in themselves, their design looks unusual in any area. Moreover, the incredible appearance of the domed house is not its only advantage.

Due to its unique design, each house project can differ significantly from another, since it is possible to use radically different details. Such construction facilities have high functionality. They are becoming more and more popular in the Russian construction market every day.

What is a domed house: features and history

A domed house is usually understood as a building object with a spherical, rounded roof. However, this is only a general description of this type of buildings. Many people note that the domed house looks like an Eskimo dwelling (an igloo).

Modern spherical buildings look incredible, the designs are amazing. For designers, a special task is to correctly combine one main sphere with five side ones. The finished result of the project largely depends on the designer's imagination and your personal preferences.

Domed house: an example of an interior layout

The first spherical buildings appeared in Byzantium, and the Eskimos began to create their homes in extremely low temperatures many years ago. From this we can draw a simple conclusion – in ancient times, round–shaped houses were no less popular than they are today, but then a more durable material was used for their construction - natural stone.

The Northern peoples were the first to notice that spherical buildings have high wind resistance and seismic resistance.

In 1951, American architect Richard Buckminster Fuller proposed using a spherical structure as the basis for the construction of residential buildings.

Basic technologies for the construction of domed houses

To date, there are several construction technologies that are used to build domed houses, projects and prices, respectively, also "play" in one direction or another, depending on the construction method. They can be made of materials such as brick, monolith, foam concrete, styrofoam and even clay. Moreover, buildings made of brick, monolith and foam concrete differ little from standard structures of residential buildings. Technologies for the construction of domed houses are classified into construction:

  • based on the geodesic sphere;

  • based on a pneumatic frame;

  • based on non-removable formwork.

One of the most common technologies for the construction of a spherical house is the joint use of styrofoam and expanded polystyrene – while the construction of the building is carried out using the Japanese method. However, such houses require additional manipulations to ensure year-round living.

Domed house with a large outdoor terrace

The most budget-friendly and close to standard conditions is the technology of building domed houses based on the frame method of construction. According to experts, for this kind of buildings, you can use a frame made of almost any material (with sufficient strength and service life). Connectors of various modifications and sizes are used to connect parts.

Which foundation is suitable for a domed house

You have decided on the site for the construction of a construction site, decided that it will be a dome house, designed a layout project with fixed dimensions, so it's time to move on to the construction of the foundation.

Its construction requires preliminary preparation – it is necessary to mark the site, determine the zero mark and other parameters (for these purposes, we recommend using a leveling – geodetic device to determine the height difference). Do not neglect the help of professionals in the field of geodetic works.

The very essence of domed housing construction implies the absence of ceilings and load-bearing supports. This gives not only up to 30% savings on wall and floor materials: the structure becomes light and does not require a massive foundation.

After all the preparatory work has been done, you should proceed to digging a trench under the ribbon foundation (this is the best option for creating a domed house).

Ribbon foundation for the construction of a domed house

Also, a pile type of foundation is often used for a dome house.

Pile foundation for the construction of a domed house

The ribbon foundation is a reinforced concrete structure equipped around the perimeter of the entire construction site. As a rule, such an installation consists of a crate (reinforcing mesh) and a frozen concrete mixture. To create a crate, fittings with a diameter of 12 mm with wire strapping are suitable. Next, the cement-sand mortar is poured.

When choosing the depth of the trench, keep in mind that the foundation should be located in the place of freezing of the soil (this is below the zero level by 1500 mm).

When erecting a pile foundation for the construction of a domed house, screw, driven or concrete piles are usually used, depending on the quality of the soil.

Construction of a domed house on a pile foundation

Frame technology of a domed house

During construction, roundhouse projects most often involve the use of frame technology – it provides ease of construction. The frame is assembled from special metal pipes or beams, after which the resulting structure is sheathed with sheet building material (OSB plate or plywood). An insulating element (mineral wool, jute, expanded polystyrene) is placed in the layers between the sheets.

Monolithic reinforced concrete can also be used to build the frame of a domed house. However, this method is very rarely used in our country, due to the lower price of lumber. And do not forget about the need for good thermal insulation of the dome, which wood copes with much better than concrete.

To date, there are two options for the frame scheme of domed houses: the creation of a stratodesic or geodesic dome. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. In the process of creating a construction project, a more suitable frame model is selected.

Stratodesic frame of a domed house

Bent-glued wooden racks for the assembly of the stratodesic dome

The device of a geodetic frame for the construction of a domed house

Construction of a domed house based on a geodesic frame

The technology based on the construction of a frame in the form of a triangular hemisphere is the most popular in the construction of domed houses. The frame is constructed of wooden triangular blocks of the same size.

Watch the video for an overview of the domed house:

Pressed cellulose impregnated with bitumen is used as an exterior finish, but other materials can also be used, the main thing is that they are waterproof. From the inside, the frame is sheathed with boards, and mineral wool is used as insulation. During construction, some triangles are left open, after which frames with double-glazed windows of a similar shape are mounted in them.

Technology for the construction of a domed house based on a pneumatic frame

The method of building a spherical house based on a pneumatic frame is characterized by unusual and rather complex technologies, while requiring the use of special equipment and equipment, due to which the time for the construction of a house is reduced to a minimum.

The foundation for such a house is made of ribbon or slab. The frame is a dome made of metal rods connected to each other by welding.

A pre-fabricated pneumatic frame must be used in this technology. It is made individually and, when inflated, completely follows the contours of the inner surface of the dome. In those places where windows and doors should be, the frame has projections of a given shape and size. The manufacture of a pneumatic frame is the most expensive and difficult stage of construction, but since the technology halves the cost of construction, its price fully pays off.

Construction of a domed house based on a pneumatic frame

The pneumatic frame is inflated from the inside of a metal crate, after which a cement-polymer solution, shotcrete or expanded polystyrene are sprayed from the outside using special equipment. The main material of the dome is applied in layers, with breaks for solidification of each layer. I do the same on the inside of the dome, and after the walls are completely solidified, they start finishing.

Features of the layout and interior design of a spherical residential building

The layout of the domed house has a number of differences from the usual rectangular structure. However, this does not limit the owners of the house in any way in choosing the design of the room. On the contrary, the unusual appearance of the room allows you to realize the most extraordinary interior solutions.

Interior Design Tips

  • Some decorative elements and furniture are better made to order, since most products are designed to be placed against the walls of standard parameters. Semicircular paintings and soft frameless furniture will be an excellent solution.

  • Wooden furniture is suitable for a living room or an office, which will exactly repeat the curves of the walls, which will give the room an even more unusual entourage.

  • When installing communication systems, the shape of the internal walls should be taken into account, as well as the technical and operational properties of the finishing materials used.

  • Fireplace is an essential attribute of the living room. In spherical houses, it is best to place a fireplace in the center of the room – if you want to keep all the incoming heat and solve the problem of the lack of a flat wall for the installation of this interior element.

Watch the video for the experience of people living in a domed house:

The house also has a bathroom and a large bedroom on the ground floor. The staircase to the second floor is located to the right of the entrance to the house, which is also very convenient. If there are living rooms on the second floor, the owners will not have to walk through the whole house to get to the second floor.

It is noteworthy that there is a fireplace in the center of the house, where you can spend long winter evenings with your family. This house is suitable for a family of three people.

Example of the layout of the first floor of a domed house

In the following photo, the living room, located immediately at the entrance from the hallway, was allocated less space, because the bedroom here is simply huge. It is located on the right side of the house, and one of its walls borders the bathroom, which is combined with the bathroom.

On the left side of the house there is a kitchen-dining room with access to a technical room or a pantry. The staircase here is also located in the living room to the right of the entrance. If you organize two more bedrooms on the second floor, then this house is perfect for a family of four.

Example of a domed house layout

The layout of the house in the following photo is perfect for a family of two or three people. The entrance to the house is equipped with a porch from which you can get into a small hallway, and then into the living room, located on the left side of the house. On the same side there is a kitchen combined with a dining room and a bathroom. A large fireplace borders the kitchen and living room.

On the right side of the house there are two bedrooms, one of which is larger, designed for a married couple. A small bedroom can be equipped to accommodate a child. The staircase to the second floor, leading to a cozy study, is located to the right of the entrance to the living room.

Advantages and disadvantages of domed houses

In addition to the unique external characteristics, the dome house has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • affordable price;

  • no massive concrete platform required;

  • save on build speed;

  • minimum construction debris;

  • the dome house will not require many building materials;

  • the area of the external surface of domed buildings is smaller, and the internal volume of space is larger (corners are cut off), due to this, heat loss in winter and absorption in summer are reduced;

Watch the video for the construction of a domed house:

  • durability, increased seismic resistance, excellent aerodynamics;

  • the dome withstands high snow loads;

  • good sound insulation and ventilation;

  • originality and aesthetics at the highest level;

  • excellent lighting performance.

The disadvantages of domed houses include:

  • there are very few professional companies in the Russian market, the topic is quite new, enthusiastic dome builders are just trying to conquer our country;

  • requires experience in calculations, absolute precision in the manufacture of parts;

  • suppliers of high-quality raw materials are "worth their weight in gold", it is difficult to find good lumber;

  • the period of useful use of the house is inferior to stone and block buildings;

  • non-standard windows, made by special order, certain difficulties during installation.

But these disadvantages are quickly negated if you do not try to build a house yourself, but immediately contact a construction company that has proven itself well in the construction market. This way you will save a lot of time and effort, and as a result you will get a high-quality domed house in which it will be cozy and comfortable to live. And experts will definitely take into account all your wishes regarding the layout.

Finishing options for domed houses

Two-level house based on a stratodesic dome with shingle cladding

Domed house with wood elements in exterior decoration

Wooden shingles look natural on a spherical building

A sphere house covered with bitumen shingles

Original solution: domed house in the form of a flying saucer

The house is a sphere made of concrete

Roofing of a domed house made of tiles

Covering the domed house with copper tiles

A complex, but beautiful and original design of the dome structure


Considering domed houses as permanent housing, projects and prices for them can be sorted endlessly, because despite the fact that such buildings appeared on the construction market relatively recently, there is no limit to the variety of projects. You can choose the simplest domed house for yourself, projects of such buildings are inexpensive, or make a special one, according to your own wishes and preferences. For example, you can take the domed houses of the Dobrosphere, projects and prices, photos of each of them can be viewed in more detail on the website. And professional architects and designers will be happy to help you with this.