Dome houses and their construction

Domed houses, allowing you to get the maximum volume of the room.

The domed house provides a high level of energy efficiency: a small area provides good heat dissipation and a good ventilation system. With the help of a domed house, operating costs are reduced by 60% compared to traditional houses, heat losses are reduced by 30%, and the usable area is increased.

Domed houses:

A domed house is a dwelling that has a round base.

The roof in such a house has the shape of a dome (cone). The walls are made of a variety of materials such as wood, stone, concrete.

  • Domed houses and their construction 1
Domed houses were widespread among the Celtic peoples, the Eskimos. Modern domed houses were invented by American designer Richard Fuller.

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The use of domed houses is relevant in the case when it is necessary to obtain the maximum volume of the room, using a minimum amount of materials that significantly reduce the weight of the structure.

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The domed house is suitable for an apartment building, a summer house, a winter house, a hotel, a domed bathhouse, a domed gazebo, a domed greenhouse.

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Domed houses are built, as a rule, using frame technology.

Advantages of using domed houses:

– extraordinary appearance,

the construction of a domed house takes no more than two months,

– the absence of walls and the possibility of a free layout,

installation in a variety of climatic conditions,

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– lack of requirements for the arrangement of the foundation. The structure of the domed house is light and the foundation for it requires lightweight,

the cost of installing a domed house (construction work and materials) is much (about 30-40%) lower than usual,

– the aerodynamic shape provides high wind resistance,

earthquake resistance, since the dome consists of triangular and trapezoidal parts, the load is distributed evenly throughout the house,

the domed house looks aesthetically pleasing and modern,

high level of energy efficiency: a small area provides good heat dissipation and a good ventilation system,

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the domed house has low acoustic properties,

60% reduction in operating costs compared to traditional,

– reduction of heat losses by 30%,

increase in usable area,

– the air is evenly distributed and circulates inside the dome,

together there are no drafts.Due to its aerodynamic shape, the walls do not interfere with air flows and do not create zones with different pressures,

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– there are no load-bearing walls inside the house,

precipitation practically does not accumulate or accumulates in small quantities?

– you can embed any number of windows. Such a house will turn out to be bright,

free layout of rooms inside the house,

– the technology of building a domed house has been worked out,

free interior layout and organization of the house space.

Types of domed houses:

There are two types of domed houses: geodesic dome and stratodesic dome.

The geodesic dome is divided into triangles (triangular cells), from which the polyhedron dome is assembled. A geodesic dome is assembled from beams connected using connectors.

The stratodesic dome consists of sections of trapezoidal, rectangular and/or square shape. A stratodesic dome is assembled from beams, logs and racks connected by locks, plates and other connecting elements.

This type of dome is the most common.

Advantages and disadvantages of a geodesic dome:

is a more stable design. When 35% of the structure is destroyed, the entire dome does not collapse,

you can remove several beams and insert windows, doors,

into the vacant space

– windows, as a rule, have a triangular shape,

is sheathed from the outside after the dome structure is fully erected.

Advantages and disadvantages of a stratodesic dome:

– allows the use of windows and doors of standard design,

is less stable compared to a geodesic dome. The removal of structural elements (for example, the transfer or insertion of doors and windows) affects the load-bearing capacity of the entire structure, and therefore requires recalculation of the load-bearing capacity of the entire structure and reinforcement of nearby beams and struts,

– there are no connectors, other connecting elements are used (plates, locks, etc.),

is sheathed from the outside as the structure is erected.

The main stages and technology of the construction of domed houses:

The construction of a domed house consists of two main stages.

The first stage includes a number of preparatory works (approval of technical specifications, design, layout, etc.) and the manufacture of basic structural elements, processing, labeling, disassembly and packaging of these elements.

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The picture shows the plan of the 1st and 2nd floors of the domed house D12 of the Green World company.

As a rule, these works are carried out by the manufacturer.

The second stage of work on the dome house includes:

  • – foundation construction;
  • – installation of communication systems;
  • – preparation of parts for assembly;
  • – assembly of the dome house frame;
  • – cladding of the dome house from the outside;
  • – installation of windows and doors;
  • – roof installation works;
  • – insulation works;
  • – interior cladding of the house;
  • – installation of floors, walls and partitions in the room;
  • – decoration of the interior of the house;
  • – work on communications.

Domed houses of the Green World company:

The domed houses of the Green World company have the following advantages:

– a well-thought-out house project in advance,

a ready-made set of the frame of the future house,

– assembly of the frame in a few days by any person. The house is assembled according to the principle of the designer,

– flexible basalt tiles are used on the roof, which does not require maintenance for 50 years.

– installation of the frame in any season,

the ability to use any windows: attic, vertical or just double-glazed windows in the opening,

– does not shrink. You can start decorating the house immediately after assembling the frame.

Note: description of the technology using the example of domed houses of the Green World company. Photos and videos provided by the Dobrosphere company.