Dome sales office D12H
Our company was faced with the task of building a sales office for the Arena residential complex in Novorossiysk.
About the object:
Frame: D12H
D stands for diameter and the prefix H stands for high riser
S total 207m2
S 1st floor 113m2
Foundation: 20 cm concrete slab with reinforcement.
Works we have completed:
- Erection of frame - 3 days
- OSB dome cladding
- Insulation with industrial polyurethane foam - 15 cm
- Manufacture of internal partitions and their sound insulation
- Sheathing with roofing carpet and flexible tiles Shinglas Ranch
- Development of visualization and sketch of a soccer ball, painting of roofing material in the format of a soccer ball
- Preparation of window (9 standard and 5 dormer windows) and doorways
Start of work: September 9, 2019.
End of work: December 24, 2019.
The room has a spacious hall and 3 rooms, the second floor is used for placing plants.
The head of the sales department of the construction company DOGMA residential complex "Arena" - Oleg Nazarov says:
"We chose a dome structure because our residential complex is called LCD Arena, there is a focus on a football theme, on a sports theme. It was very important to make the sales department in the shape of a ball, that's why we chose such a unique shape. Indeed, such a department sales attracts a huge amount of attention from our customers. Thanks to this, our sales increased by 35%. We chose the Green World construction company because their offer turned out to be the most attractive for us."

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